The Riddle of the Horn
- THE RIDDLE OF THE HORN - A black ink and black color pencil on 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "We Are All Legends," by Darrell Schweitzer, published by Donning Starblaze Editions, 1981.
Some of the books I illustrated had so many wonderful scenes in the stories that I was a bit frustrated. When I was finished reading the manuscript it was filled with marginal notes, bracketed paragraphs, and underlined sentences that I had made on the pages. I had enough "pictures" there to make between 20 or more full page drawings. But the contract called for only half as many drawings.
So, I came up with the layout you see here, it allowed me to make more pictures; a major scene in the upper large section, and some smaller images in the lower divided sections.
With this layout the readers got four times as many pictures to look at than they would have if I had pictured only one scene per full page.
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